The Total TaleVision Wiki

Welcome to the Total TaleVision Wiki!

Total TaleVision logo, colored yellow. The 'ale' is red and has lines around it.

Total TaleVision is an Underdog and general Total TeleVision alternate universe created by Ale Gayfowl (who also owns and edits this wiki, hi!)

Total TaleVision is a general AU meant for generally having fun with the Total TeleVision characters, and features little to no over-arching story. This wiki is made to catalogue information for characters within the realm of the Total TaleVision universe, and is not applicable to the official TTV cartoons. Assume all information is fictional unless specifically sourced.

Click one of the links above to start exploring!

Please do not use any information found on this wiki without expressed permission.
This wiki is a fan-oriented website for archival and educational purposes only. Total TeleVision belongs to DreamWorks Classics or parent company.